NC² Features
1. File Selection and Variable Handling
- Select NetCDF File: Easily choose and load NetCDF files for analysis.
- Variable Selection: A dropdown menu to select the specific variable of interest from the loaded NetCDF file (e.g., water_temp, salinity, etc.).
2. Time and Depth Control
- Time Step Selection: Choose the specific time step for the data visualization.
- Depth Level Selection: Select the depth level of interest
- Data Summary: Display basic statistics for the selected DTG and/or depth, including mean, median, standard deviation, anomalies detected, minimum, and maximum values.
- Cursor Location Information: Real-time display of the cursor’s longitude and latitude coordinates, I and J indices, and the corresponding data value at that location.
4. Plot Customization
- Plot Type Selection: Choose different plot types such as pcolormesh, contour, contourf, quiver, streamplot, and imshow, with dynamically updated customization variables.
- Colormap Selection: Select from various colormaps (e.g., jet) to enhance the visualization and interpretation of data.
- Reverse Colormap: Option to reverse the colormap for better contrast and data representation.
- Colorbar Orientation: Customize the orientation of the colorbar (left, right, top, bottom) to suit the presentation needs.
- Adjustable Value Limits: Set custom limits for the color range (V-Max, V-Min) to focus on specific data ranges.
- Geographical Extents: Specify the geographical extents for the plot to zoom into particular regions of interest.
- Projections: Specify the projection for the plot (e.g., PlateCarree).
5. Further Customization
- Gridlines Toggle: Enable or disable gridlines on the plot for better spatial referencing and specify alpha (transparency).
- Masking Toggle: Enable Cartopy Feature ocean and land masking.
- Axis Labels: Add labels to the X and Y axes for clear identification of the data dimensions.
- Plot Title: Set a custom title for the plot to provide context and clarity.
6. Data Visualization
- Show in Window: Display the selected data variable in a separate window.
- Save as GIF: Option to save the animation as a GIF for easy sharing and presentation.
- GIF Options: Options for GIF generation:
- FPS: Specify the FPS (Frames Per Second) of the GIF file
- Range: Specify the indice that the GIF generation should stop at
- Loop: Produce a looping GIF file
- Delete/Save Images: Delete or save images after GIF generation
- Playback Controls: Play, pause, reverse, speed up, slow down, and stop animations to analyze temporal changes in the dataset.
- Time Series: Generate time series and histogram plots to analyze data trends over time, and at a specific depth.
- Depth Series: Generate depth series and histogram plots to analyze data trends over depth, and at a specific time.
- Vertical Section: Create vertical section plots at latitude or longitude slices to examine vertical variations in the dataset.
8. User Interface and Experience
- Modern GUI: Intuitive and user-friendly interface designed for ease of use, reducing the learning curve for new users.
- Theme Customization: Toggle between light and dark modes for a comfortable viewing experience in different lighting conditions.
- Detailed Legends and Labels: Enhanced legends and labels for better understanding and interpretation of the plots.
- Multiple Plotting Windows: Capability to open multiple plotting windows simultaneously for comparative analysis.
- Built with Cartopy and Matplotlib: Leverages powerful Python libraries for cartographic projections and high-quality plotting, ensuring accuracy and flexibility.
- Publication-Quality Plots: Ability to produce highly customizable and publication-quality plots suitable for scientific presentations and publications.
10. Additional Features
- Navigation Toolbar: Plot navigation toolbar with buttons:
- Reset original view
- Back to previous view
- Forward to next view
- Pan figure
- Zoom to rectangle
- Configure subplots
- Save figure
- Comprehensive Documentation: Detailed user documentation available to help users understand and utilize all features effectively.
For any inquiries, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to reach out:
Rhett R. Adam
VU Undergrad EES